Matt McGovran

Matt McGovran



CrossFit Level 2 Coach
Certified Burgener Strength Olympic Weight Lifting
Certified CrossFit Gymnastics Course
Certified CrossFit Kids

About Coach

As the son of a coach, it was a natural progression into coaching for me. I have been a baseball coach for a decade now and have also coached my kids basketball teams. With two boys and a little girl playing multiple sports, I have been fairly busy for the last ten years. I began coaching CrossFit a few years ago. I enjoy getting to know all of my athletes "why" and then helping them to achieve it. I am equally motivated to help senior athletes maintain their ability to play with their grandkids as well as coach the competitive athletes in high level gymanstics and olympic weightligting. Personally, I was a three sport athlete in high school as well as a collegiate pitcher. I suppose my highlight would be leading the league my senior year in both ERA as well as hit batters.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

I have always had a knack for coaching.  I feel like it is a gift God gave me and I have no intention of wasting it.  Whether I'm coaching people's little ones in t-ball or helping people land their first muscle up, I always find myself drawn back to coaching.  

   Additionally, coaching helps me maintain my own fitness which I need if I'm going to dominate my own kids at sports for as long as possible....